AUTHOR: Anonymous TITLE: Sheila's Brave Return, and an Exclusive Interview of Adam, by Adam, and for YOU. DATE: 9/20/2003 01:25:00 AM ----- BODY: Hello Friends and Family, Gosh, that greeting sounds like an ad for telephone service - but hey, it's straight from the heart. I am so overwhelmed with all the hard work that Rob and I are both doing right now, it is difficult to take the time to respond to so many kind thoughts and messages. The latest on Sheila: Well, this is going to be a very tough time for Sheila - but she is among the most wonderful, strong, and determined people I've ever known. I am so grateful that this wrist injury is the worst of it all. Sheila has opted to come to the Bay Area for a necessary operation and 8 to 12 weeks of recovery. The time will be spent between Rob and Adam's in SF, and Daryl and Jennifer's in Los Altos. If you want to wish her well, I will forward any messages to her for you. Thankfully she will have plenty of love and support to get her back in the saddle as soon as possible - all good things in time. ADAM"S EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW OF HIMSELF Since I never seem to reply to every message that I intend to, I thought I'd reveal some personal answers to some often asked questions. Sure it's a little impersonal, but just as it is with everything in life (besides death and taxes) you are welcome to take it or leave it! Q: How Am I? A: I am healthy and happy. Q: What am I doing with myself lately? A: You name it. Loving my life's love, Rob - Building a career at Starbucks - Figuring out how to have more fun per moment. Q: How do you like life after graduate school? A: Bliss. Learning hasn't been curtailed a bit by finishing business school - in fact, lessons are much more fascinating when you don't know what it is you're supposed to be learning until after you've finished. Q: 'Cmon! Don't you miss school a little bit? A: No. I miss seeing friends on a regular basis, but going back to school certainly wouldn't solve that! Q: What would you say to practically everyone in your address book given the chance? A: I miss you. My clones would love to hang out indefinitely with yours. Q: Where do you see yourself in 1 month? A: Happily working exactly 40 hours a week and coming home to a relaxed and organized home free of clutter. Q: Where do you see yourself in 1 Year? A: Shedding the word "Assistant" before my job title, and spending more time than enjoying life and work with Rob and the rest of you. Seeing lots of friends on a regular basis. Q: Will you ever stop working so hard? A: No. Q: Will you ever develop your own business with Rob? A: Yes. Q: Can you can it with the rhetoric? A: Yes, I can and damn it, I WILL! To wrap it up for now, I guess I just want you to know that my heart has room for everyone and everything even if my calendar doesn't at the moment. If I'm working hard for anything at all it is for the chance to give something meaningful back to you and to the rest of the world for giving me this beautiful, hectic life with my true love, Rob, at my side. Adam ----- --------