AUTHOR: Robert TITLE: Having a hard time gettin' a move-on today. DATE: 9/15/2003 09:07:00 AM ----- BODY: I woke up early this morning, actually didn't sleep all that well last night at all... but got at least 7 or 8 hours of real REST if not sleep per se. I've noticed over the weekend that our website is starting to get a LOT more visitors, so a big hello to all you new friends, we're very glad you're here. And to the new German friend I saw on our website this morning, wilkommen! We're making a lot of changes around here since there's so many more people reading the blog now, its getting to be more of a daily-issue type of event, and we're trying to make it a bit more entertaining and more fun to read as well as adding pictures, reviews of movies and local restaraunts and the like and adding some things about places to stay when you're here in The Castro, since we've got so many people visiting the site from elsewhere. I'm reading a book on better blog design, so hopefully you'll begin to see some small changes in the design that will make our blog and our site more readable and usable. Please feel free to let me know what you think as we go along so I can keep track of what works and what doesn't. A couple of the things I've thought about... The whole Neighborhood Doggie page on our main site, I could start a monthly contest to find the cutest dog in the neighborhood, and make a calendar of the winners each month, donating the proceeds to the local ASPCA or PAWS or something? I think that could be really cool... Also, thinking of adding a "Random Cute Guys We See" feature where we just stop people on the street and ask them if we can take their picture... who knows. Anyway, its a cold and foggy day here in the city... and I've got to get out and get going to corporate about now. :) I'll try to post again tonight. Love, Rob ----- --------