AUTHOR: Robert TITLE: Crazy Day... DATE: 9/16/2003 05:54:00 PM ----- BODY: Well, I'm still having a hard crappy time getting in the swing of things. I don't know what it is really, other than that I'm maybe just burnt out. I keep starting projects then not finishing them, then starting them again and getting interrupted by phone calls. I think if maybe I got some of this stuff out of my head and onto a to-do list, I'd be better able to handle it. Part of what I feel is that if Adam would be helping me with posting to the blog, or updating our website, I'd be better off, I could get a lot more of it done if both of us had the same design sensibilities and were modifying the sites in the same way. But, its not his fault that I'm crazed, I'm just crazed because I've started about 9,000 things and want to have an assistant helping me and he just seems like the logical choice... but a) he can't read my mind b) I know he wants to figure it out, but I'm not helping very much and c) he's got other more important stuff to do. So, there you go. I love him, I'm just feeling overwhelmed. But see, the minute I think of that, I realize that I need to get Cascading Style Sheets going for the Blog and for the website so that whatever he does will look the same as what I did... Then I think of the 35 new people per day that are visiting our website and I start freaking out because we could be converting those people to CUSTOMERS if we had some sort of great visuals that made them want to buy... but we don't. Then I think... wow, I really should get back to work. So I get back to work for an hour and I take a conference call and I freak out less, then I think of something and I go to check on it... and well, you get the picture. I believe Adam when he says he's committed to figuring it out, but that he has a lot to do right now, and I know we both do, but I just want to get this project DONE so we can move on and get things going you know? Ugh. Frustrated. Crazy. There you go. I got a neat email from an old high school friend today:
Rob (Bobby) Actually I've gotten quite qood at saying Rob (because of your Dad). Well, I have to say that it was very nice to hear from you. Your sentiments are sincerely appreciated and yes, I was kind of a sad sack all those years. Seems like 6th-12th grade was a very bad after school special with me as the star and I never got the guy in the end (that part took me a great deal longer). I like to think about D... as a good place to grow up but I wouldn't want to blow it up... then again.. Well, I am 34 and am fighting time and the effects of a remarkably long party that lasted from 1987-1999. I am glad to say that I am healthier and happier today than I've ever been. I don' begrudge others their cocktails, unless they want to drive me around or breathe in my face... My partner A... who is 16 years my senior is a non-drinker too and that makes it simpler if not easier to obstain. We have a relatively normal, if a little high profile. He owns a large showroom in the Decorative Center near down town. We are very busy with social things and trips, buying or leisure. I've worked in the Showroom since January and I love it. I facilitate the design projects that we do, as A... is a Designer as well. I also handle our retail accounts here in D... We are represented in other Showrooms all over the country and that keeps my office buddy Linda hopping. I talk about it a lot because we kingd of live this place. When I married A... I also married a business and I wouldn't have it any other way. We get to work together and travel together. Live is very good. Your Dad has been a great help to me over the past several years, just having that connection when I was trying to get and remain sober really helped. Well that's the long and longer of it. I hope that all is well in your world. I have sent some pics of us, such as we are. Say Hi to Adam for me and love to the dogs! Let's talk soon, C...
So, that was nice to get... I'm always so glad to hear from people from the past... you know? Anyway. That's about it for today. We'll talk to you all later. ----- --------