AUTHOR: Robert
TITLE: A long overdue update!
DATE: 5/29/2004 12:46:00 PM
Hey, Everyone.
VERY sorry for the delay in getting this new post up, as most of you know we've been traveling a lot and generally getting our hands into a lot of different things going on. I'll try to give as good an update as possible.
Since Rob's last post (Orlando) Adam and Rob have been to Vancouver, then to Amsterdam, Rob went on to Munich while Adam was in Amsterdam, we met up again in Paris (We'll ALWAYS have Paris) then Adam came home to the states to continue working and Rob went on to London and back to Amsterdam then returned to the States.
Rob was home for all of 48 hours and went off to New York, then returned home for a week of much needed rest, then went off to Las Vegas, back home, then Adam went off to San Diego for a business trip with Sheila and Rob joined them for the weekend. We got to spend a lovely afternoon with Sanford and Marge Schane there. They are good friends of the Odnerts from waaaay back.
Rob went off to Salt Lake City then Miami and back home again (and made Premier Executive status on United on that flight which means a total of 50,000 actual flight iles this year on United).
Mom is coming to visit for Memorial Day weekend tonight and we're planning on having a nice, relaxing time.
I've got some great pictures that I've posted... take a look at them and let us know what you think!
First, Vancouver! Click on the image below to get to the Images page!
Now, on to Amsterdam! First, Amsterdam in general. There's lots of images, so check 'em all out!
Now, the beautiful Keukenof, a gorgeous flower garden outside Amsterdam:
More from the Keukenof!
We had a great time, there's a few more pics, but I haven't uploaded them yet... so, I'll get them up when I can. We hope you all have a great Memorial Day weekend. Thanks for your support!
Rob and Adam