AUTHOR: Robert TITLE: Treo a-Go-Go, Nokia Heave-ho! DATE: 2/22/2004 10:37:00 AM ----- BODY: Hi, everybody! If you're looking for the story about our big ol' gay weddin', look no further than clickin on this here link So, Adam and I bought ourselves a wedding present... we were SO sick and tired of the Nokia phones we got, the picture phones with the circular keyboards -- we liked them a lot when we first got them, and they would probably serve a teenager pretty well, but for someone who really wants to be able to use SMS Text Messaging (where you send someone a quick text message right to their phone) that phone just wasn't doing the trick. The phone was also really SLOW in terms of its response to your key selections -- you'd choose to connect to the internet for something and it would take forever. So, we started shopping around, asking people what they thought of their phones and all, reading reviews, etc and finally decided on the Handspring Treo 600. The price for these phones was a little...ahem...out of our range, so we called AT&T Wireless and explained that we'd been loyal customers of theirs for a long time, that we were very unsatisfied with our Nokia phones, and wondered if they could do anything to help us out on the price of the Treo phones. Lo and Behold, they did. They gave us a combination of discounts (loyalty, activation, equipment upgrade, etc) that brought the phones down to a much more reasonable level for us, and we went and bought two of them Friday night. We have 30 days total to see if we like the phones and can take them back at any time up to 30 days if we're unsatisfied for any reason. So, we decided we'd spend some time detailing our experiences with the phones here on the blog so we can go back and look and see what we liked and didn't like about them, and maybe we'd help somebody out there who was looking at these phones decide if its the right phone for them. I'm not really sure which way to go about this, whether its to create a different blog just for our Treo experiences, or to include it here as one entry that we keep updating, or whether to just create new entries for each 'day-in-the-life-of-a-Treo-user' kind of thing. For now, I think we'll create separate entries here, if anybody has strong feelings about that, let us know (meaning if you're getting too many emails about Treo phones and you just don't care, rather than unsubscribing, let us know in the "comments" for this post. just click on the word "comments" below to add your comments. we'll be posting "Treo Day One" and "Treo Day Two" today, obviously, more to follow. Love, Rob and Adam ----- --------