AUTHOR: Robert
TITLE: Wow... its been nearly a month!
DATE: 6/19/2003 02:31:00 PM
audblog audio post
I really thought I'd updated this thing a little more recently than almost a MONTH ago. That's silly. Why even have the darn thing?
Let's see ... things that have happened in the last month.... Well, lots has been going on! I'll list a few of the major topics and see what I can type for them without boring you too much.
Adam: Good news, he got a promotion to Assistant Manager at Starbucks!!! Yay! He's the Assistant Manager at 24th and Noe here in San Francisco. He's relly getting along (as always) at the new store, loves the crew and the manager, Jane.
He finished up his RMT training this week on Monday, and moved to his new store on Monday afternoon. He had a great time training with Liz at 9th and Irving, and is going to miss that store!
Shannon and Jeff and Brian are moving the Monday after Pride Weekend! We saw Shannon and Jeff's new apartment, and I've christened it "Bahniefa House" Cuz it sounds all cozmopolitan and stuff.
Jeff and Shannon and I went to consult with Martha Stewart before she gets thrown in jail regarding the colors (better known as "Thuh Cullahs.") for Bahniefa House. Shannon and Jeff have worked closely with Martha to determine just the right shades of Puce and Dusty Pink Honeysuckle for the walls.
Martha -- for the record -- must be under quite a bit of stress. She had gained about two hundred and fifty pounds and had the darkest, loveliest tan -- although the tan did not make up for the grumpy scowl she had on her face. She's obviously been looking for somewhere in the Bahamas to live so that she can escape the trials and tribulations going on here in the states. She's also changed her name to Earnest. We just couldn't believe she was RIGHT THERE at KMart, just whipping up paint for everyone who needed it. What an amazing woman -- What amazing service.
Bahniefa House will be lovely when complete. The back door opens onto the lovliest lilttle hidden garden with a light-hearted tree bearing fragrant trumpet blossoms. There's a peaceful sitting area with whimsical remnants of San Francisco life. It harkens back to a simpler time. Reminded me a bit of 28 Barbary Lane, which we love. Bahniefa House, may she live fowah EVAH!
The Chorus:
Lots of political unrest (what else is new) in our little non-profit-by-the-sea. So far, a lot of other people also had rather passionate responses in email (see the previous BLOG entry)... a meeting of the chorus was called -- will happen in a couple of weeks... a moderator will be there, or facilitator or something... Anyway, lots of people got upset about a lot of stuff... there was going to be a board meeting... a couple of the staff members thought they were going to get fired, so they pulled together a whole slew of people who do either paid work or voluteer work for the chorus and got them to all agree to quit (! -- yes, really) if the board didn't all publicly state for the record that they thought these individuals were capable of doing their jobs. Amazing the balls that took. Yes, we believe you can do your jobs.... if you'd stop stirring up shit, making ultimatums and distracting everyone else from doing their jobs, you could probably do a fine job. Now do your job! Ah, but that's just me. I mean, its not like they didn't have their reasons, and I'm not saying the board OR these folks were right, I'm just flabbergasted that we get into these kinds of messes instead of JUST SINGING and having a good time and making other people feel great. sigh.
And imagine what we could accomplish if our energies were focused on forward movement!
Anwyay... I'm sure it will all work out, it always does.
Family --
I've not been as in touch with my Family lately as I would like... My Mom went on a cruise to Alaska, but I haven't had the chance to hear about it yet...
Adam's Mom is coming to visit for Fourth of July, that should be fun... We're all going to go to a party in the east bay that John Bailey and his beau Aaron are going to throw! I haven't seen John in ages!
Work --
Lots of drama, I've changed jobs. :) I do that from time to time. I'm now working for a slightly different group / department in the same company working for the same boss, doing essentially the same thing, but for different customers and at a partner level rather than a business to business level, its business to business to THEIR customers. So, its interesting. Its a lateral move, rather than a promotion, however, there might be more opportunity for me to have upward movement here.
Me --
I've lost about 15 pounds, but I desperately needed to lose it. I was getting dangerously close to 300 pounds again, and that sucks. So, I'm at 280 now... which is better, but I would still like to (and am trying to) lose about 50 to 60 more pounds. I can't believe how much harder it is than it used to be for me.
I'm eating MUCH less than I was, I generally have one meal a day that is a reasonable size. I'm excercising, trying to keep myself busy, etc. I'm drinking lots of water and just generally trying hard, but it just isn't going as fast as it used to.
I used to be able to lose about a pound a day if I worked at it, and now I can't even lose a pound a week consistently. I really need to change something I'm doing, don't know what. Maybe it really is the whole eating thing in terms of eating 6 smaller meals a day rather than one. I hate that. Because its MUCH harder for me to consistently pick something healthy to eat, AND if I put too much on my plate, well I have this whole thing about eating everything on my plate. I'll just keep eating until its gone or nearly gone. Also, once I start eating something, especially if its "good" tasting (meaning savory, ooey-gooey cheesy warm comfort yummy stuff, I'm not much of a sweets person) its very very very hard for me to make myself STOP until I'm overly full. I'm just not very good at that whole thing.
The scooter, she's good... much better these days, Adam rides her a LOT! Also, we went to SEE the musical "Wicked" and loved it, although its gotten mixed reviews from friends.
Also re-reading "Wicked" the novel by Gregory Maguire... its great, although hard to get through at times. Complicated story and a lot of it is very subtle, not lots of action, but great writing and interesting characters.
And that's about all I can write today! Hope you're all doing well!
Love, Rob and Adam