AUTHOR: Robert TITLE: What I did with my Saturday, by Rob Norton DATE: 5/25/2003 08:46:00 PM ----- BODY: Hello everyone. Hope you're all having a fantabulous day (God, that was gay.) Woke up this "morning" and went to check email and read what I considered to be something that needed some responding to. (Lucy! You got some 'splainin to do!). One of those kinds of things like they used to do in the late 60's and 70's Disney-live-action-herbie-the-love-bug-type movies where you've got a bunch of busybody soccer moms who decide to MOBILIZE against the "enemy"... and they all start calling each other on their "phone tree" and saying things like: PHONE RINGS: Mmmmm-Hello? [Screen splits into two diagonal portions with a lightening-bolt shape between them] CALLER: "Sandy-Jo? SANDY-JO: "Yes?" CALLER: "Hi, its Peggy Anderson." SANDY-JO: "Oh, HI! Peggy, How are you? How are the kids?" PEGGY: "Oh, fine, fine, yes, thanks for asking... um...." SANDY-JO: "That Billy of yours is sure growing up into a great little baseball player! Why I heard..." PEGGY: "Sandy-Jo, I'm sorry to interrupt, but I simply MUST tell you something!" SANDY-JO: [Grabbing a celery stick out of the avacado frigidaire, dipping it in peanut butter and crunching loudly into the phone] "Well, Gee, Peggy, Sure. Listen to me going on and on like that, why, you'd think I was running for president or something. What's Gives?" [PEGGY visibly rolls her eyes during the last half of Sandy-Jo's sentence impatiently waiting for her to finish so Peggy can enlist her help.] PEGGY: "Ok, now listen. I've only got a minute, because George is going to be home from poker soon and you know how he can get after a few drinks with the boys." SANDY-JO: [Reacts with the slightest hint of a grin] "I SURE DO." PEGGY: [Gets a lightening-fast quizzical look on her face wondering what Sandy-Jo's offhand comment about "knowing how George can get" is exactly supposed to mean, but brushes it off as a misunderstanding in light of the crisis.] "ANYWAY. So, here's what I need you to do." [SCREEN CHANGES from being split in two to only showing Sandy-Jo's side of the conversation, Sandy-Jo reacts to unheard instructions coming from Peggy with increasing shock and delight.] SANDY-JO: "Oh, BOY! Will I EVER!, You can count on me, Peggy! Bye Now!" [SHORT MUSIC FOR COLOR: "Crazy Antics"-type music with sliding trombones and a penny-whistle begins while SWIRLING SCENE TRANSITION occurs.] So, anyway, you get the picture. So, I spent about two and a half hours writing a heartfelt and passionate email, then sent it off and went to see "The Matrix, Reloaded" which I thought was AMAZING, but I've heard a lot of people say they didn't really like it, which I think is ludicrous. I thought it was at least twice as good as the first one. Fantastic, give it a thumbs up. Way up. Your butt. Oh, and Adam baked a cake while I was writing my "crazy antics" email. It turned out fab. More on that later. Went to pick up the scooter from the shop, turns out it wasn't quite ready, will be ready Tuesday or Wednesday... Came home, made the frosting for the cake, frosted the cake, went and got some Port for a party, went to the party with our friends Mark and Rick, had a fabulous time, drank too much wine, talked and talked and talked, ate the cake.... yes, the ENTIRE cake, 7 of us.... came home, stayed up way too late giggling and then went to bed. Woke up Sunday morning with a headache that felt like my head had been in a vise-grip all night long. Yar. On to Sunday. ----- --------