AUTHOR: Robert
TITLE: An email from Kelly!
DATE: 5/17/2003 01:11:00 PM
So, my friend Kelly, upon reading the story of Miss Phone in the Bucket wrote this very touching one-act play regarding the situation, and I thought you all might like to check it out! Mind you, this is NOT how I obtained the phone, though it was rather a waterlogged brick at the moment.
Scene 1 of 1: Several people in the manicurists. When a cell phone rings, and Rob engages the hands free speaker-function on the fancy smancy phone and begins to talk.
ROB : "Hello"
CALLER : "Honey, it's me ."
ROB : "Yes"
CALLER : "I am at the mall , and found some yummy green nail polish"
ROB : "Sounds fun"
CALLER : "I also found a beautiful leather coat. It's only $2,500. Can I buy it?"
ROB : "OK, go ahead if you like it that much."
CALLER : "I also stopped by the Wes Jordan's Vespa dealership and saw the 2003 models. I saw one I really liked --
ROB : "How much?"
CALLER : "$8,000"
ROB : "For that price I want it with all the options."
CALLER : "Great! One more little thing....the house we wanted last year is back on the market. They're only asking $750,000."
ROB : "Well, then go ahead and buy it, but just offer $725,000."
CALLER : "OK. I'll see you later! I love you!"
ROB : "Bye, I love you, too." The man hangs up.
The other people in the salon are looking at him in astonishment with stark horror on their faces. Then Rob grins and asks: "Anyone know who this phone belongs to? I found it in this bucket...."