AUTHOR: Robert
TITLE: An Ephiphanous Afternoon -- Or, My Best Caboose, Bums on FIRE
DATE: 5/04/2008 08:52:00 PM
AUTHOR: Unknown
DATE:October 09, 2014 3:46 PM
To the little ones: I am here. I am waiting. Come and find me. I am not a sign of the end, yet I am the you that you can and will become. I am.
AUTHOR: Unknown
DATE:October 09, 2014 3:49 PM
[haarkback]:From the middle of "Out of Nowhere" ... "I once had a farm in Africa." [09 OCT 2014 5:47 outside of @SBUX on University in The Dent On Texas, USA, America, The New World, Earth, The Milky Way, The Universe, The Cosmos, All That Izs.
Ok, our blog was totally screwed up, Adam and I had a really great talk today, and I was trying to record some of what we were talking about. It was really cool, though, because AS we were talking about this really interesting Musicology blog I've started, we started talking about this blog I'd found last night, and ... we were Watching TV at the same time -- its too much to WRITE all of it out right now, because Adam's frustrated that it took me like 4 hours to get our Blog fixed and he wants to just hang out -- which is fine -- but I'm getting upset because he keeps giong "OH!" because I'm missing this stuff on TV and I don't really care because I just want to get this done and THEN I can watch TV with him.
Argh. Frustrating how we have these connected afternoons -- all these Epiphanies and interesting connections -- we're all together and loving and then... Boom, suddenly what brought us together sends us in separate emotional and mental directions.
These are all the things I would have shared if I'd not fallen in my blog hole, and what I would like to share with you. I'll have to put enough notes that I can remember what were were dealing with, but not so much that it keeps me away from Adam too much.
I dare you not to LOVE this movie.
If I can figure out how to do pingbacks, tracbacks or whatever I'll do that... I found the video and a lot of other realy cool stuff here, at Dial M for Musicology:
And so we were talking abut Musicology and Anarchy and a lot of other really cool stuff, and Rodgers and Hammerstein, Moss Hart ... oh man it was a great conversation.... and all the time I kept looking at this same blog and I'd find something else we just talked about!!:
Anarchy In Our Midst! HAHAHAHAHA!
I've tried to embed these pictures here but it ain't werkin' so you've got to go and look at these pictures. Basically like the safety placards in a plane, but instead were made to be mailed to corporations in their "business reply" envelopes, and gave the person who opened them step-by-step instructions on exactly what to do once they GET the contents.:
I'll write more later, but that's it for now.