AUTHOR: Robert TITLE: New, Cool Features of The Underblog! DATE: 1/28/2008 03:15:00 PM ----- BODY: Our Blog was a bit ... uh, scattered in terms of literary direction, theme, through-line,Dénoument, and all other things that Strunk would have thrown the book at us for doing or not doing. It reminded me of the time in 9th grade when my Commercial Art teacher walked by my desk. I hadn't even STARTED my drawing, and he says: "Hmmm. Nice use of negative space." and walked away. Nothing will make my day like a good-natured Zinger, a Chocolate Zinger, and a Vodka Stinger!) So, for this reason and so, so many others... we've upgraded to what we believe is a more organized, functional blog where you can not just find out the boring, daily rantings of one or the other of us, but you can actually find some useful tidbits brought to you by the tidbit-conscious.
[SCENE] You're going to a party. That gay know-it-all who keeps talkin' shit about you will be there. Uh, yeah, you need our help honey. Just scan our blog and voila! When they're all blah blah chick flicks blah & you need a good exit line, You'll now safely know you can say "Uptown Girls? Yeah - I guess it was cool. The guitars dance rocked. You DO know that Brittany Murphy was given the honor of Presenting Liza with the Vanguard award at the 2005 GLAAD awards-wow, what an amazing moment." And then turn....and walk away.
We're *very* keen to what is -actually- a really perfect little bite of info, and we've got a view on the world that over time, we've realized is just slightly different than most people's. Not better, not worse, just different. Read some of our thougts and findings, and see if you don't agree. And please post back to us to tell us what you thought! We truly hope this blog adds some fun to your life, and maybe saves you from that fifth circle of hell at the party mentioned above. Its not about luck, doll. Its about knowing just the right thing to say at JUST the wrong time...I mean the wrong time for somebody else. Three Cheers for Britney Spears! -Rob and Adam

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