AUTHOR: Robert
TITLE: A Saturday Less Expected
DATE: 12/15/2007 11:04:00 PM
Well, today I didn't get much done. I wanted to get a lot done. I wanted to get a whole lot done. But something in me is having a hard time getting things done lately.
Who knows what the deal is. I love life -- I'm in love with a wonderful man -- we're having some challenges in life, but they're challenges that are more like me and him against the world as Butch and Sundance rather than issues between him and I... but after a few years of being Butch and Sundance, you start to get weary of all the Sheriffs who are after you.
I'm seeing a day in the near future where we're really out of debt -- where we've restored Adam's credit history, where we've restored my credit, where we've got our house to the point where we can sell it for a huge profit and roll that money over into a place we'll like better or a place that's IN a place that we'll like better.
I found out some great news tonight -- Our friend Scott is going to be moving in sometime in January -- that's just the best. Adam and Scott will have a great time together during the day and if we can successfully engender trust between the three of us (which I believe we can) I think we'll have a successful household. When Scott and Adam are both working and contributing to the household fully (and when I start contributing to the household in more ways than just financially) I think we will have reached equilibrium -- and I'm willing to just see how it goes and let things happen as they will. I trust myself, I trust Adam, and I trust Scott... and I know that whatever happens for us all, the Universe is taking good care of us, and giving us exactly what we need.
Anyway, Love to you all -- whoever is reading this if anybody. :-)